YOU are destined for greatness and you’re being invited to RISE in a bigger way than ever before.
You can feel it DEEP in your soul.
SHE’s been calling you….and you know it!

The time has come for you to create life on your OWN terms!

A life of magic where you experience ease and flow and you feel alive, awake and unstoppable.

That’s the way of the Wild Woman.

Answering her calling is not always easy, I know…

Yes, life demands so much from you, but it can also work in service of your heart’s desires.  It can move with ease, effortlessly bringing joy and fulfillment to every step you take.

The Wild Woman is the most fierce part of you who’s deeply connected with your instinctual nature.

She carries a deep desire to live a free, authentic and fully expressed life without holding back, daring to trust yourself at a deeper level and sharing your gifts with the world with a PASSION so pure and visceral it cannot be contained.

A life lived with joy, fully embodied and open to receive in bigger ways than you’ve ever thought possible.

BUT, let’s be honest…..you often find yourself trapped in your head, clearly able to see what others need, but when it comes to your needs, there never seems to be enough TIME. 

Here’s THE REALITY: You are smart, resourceful, self-sufficient, and independent. Through your resilience and grit, you’ve learned how to do everything on your own and carried heavy responsibilities from a young age.

You’ve been on this personal development journey for years. Perhaps you’ve had your share of wake up calls and now you are ready for your next level, yes?

And this next level feels BIG…bigger than ever before. 

You are ready for MORE, but…would you really allow yourself to go there? You question yourself:”What would happen if I truly allow myself to receive this next level?” I totally get it, I’ve been there myself.

How much longer are you going to continue to stop or deny what’s truly meant for you? Something BIG needs to shift.

No more putting yourself last
No more dimming your light
No more denying your desires
NO MORE EXCUSES…..this is YOUR time to SHINE!!!

This is YOUR time, darling. Your Wild Woman is calling you back home to YOU.

A life filled with EASE, JOY and FEMININE POWER while sharing your purpose and passions with the world.

Do you hear her? The WILD WOMAN within YOU wanting her VOICE to be heard?

Powerful. Creative. Intuitive. Fierce. Passionate.

When your Wild Woman is ON….

You have full permission to be YOU and you feel FREE. You take off the masks boldly AND lovingly stand in your TRUTH.

Being fully YOU, intuitive, embodied, creative and aligned.

Filled with grounded courage, you set clear and loving BOUNDARIES, ask for what you need with CONFIDENCE, TRUST your intuition, LOVE passionately, feel SENSUALLY and SEXUALLY alive, own your FEMININE POWER, and live life on YOUR TERMS.

I’m here to remind you that this wild dream you have is COMPLETELY POSSIBLE, and—THIS is where it starts.

Youll finally feel rooted, connected, and alive again when you

Access your sacred Wild Woman power with confidence and feel worthy of all of the abundance you desire, because you OWN the truth that lives within.

Reconnect with your instincts, and learn to trust that your decisions are in alignment with your desires, so you never need permission or approval AGAIN.

Establish healthy and loving boundaries that empower you in your relationships, ask for what you need and say “no” to the things that don’t HONOR or VALUE your SPIRIT.

Heal the toxic patterns in relationships that left you feeling disconnected and isolated, shed the resentment and anger, and finally feel LOVED and ACCEPTED for who you are.

Reclaim your sensual and sexual self and create an empowered, beautiful and pleasurable relationship with your body.

Feel divinely guided toward experiencing the true MAGIC of your life, so the fear disappears, and you RECEIVE LIFE’S ABUNDANCE with ease in every area of your life.

Sounds lovely, doesn’t it? The wonderful news is that you don’t have to figure this out on your own, by immersing yourself in this Wild Woman journey with me and a group of extraordinary women that are on the same path, you can now feel fully supported and uncage the unlimited potential of the Wild Woman that lives in your SOUL.

Are you ready?


Wild Woman Immersion

This 3-month program will take you on a journey from feeling exhausted, unfulfilled, with little to no time for you to STEPPING INTO YOUR MOST VIBRANT, RADIANT SELF, TUNED IN WITH YOUR HEART’S DESIRES, FEELING OPEN, FEMININE, FULL OF PASSION and PURPOSE.

When you join me for the
Wild Woman Immersion Program, youll receive:

90-Day Coaching Immersion

In this time together we’ll dive deep into the training sessions where you’ll receive empowering tools and exercises to help you release past conditionings and blocks. You’ll learn the language of the Wild Woman and you’ll finally break the toxic disempowered cycle forever. It includes:

  • 6 LIVE training calls (90 minutes) dedicated to the delivery of the content for the week.
  • 6 LIVE Q&A and integration calls (90 minutes) where you’ll receive direct laser coaching from Paula.

These calls will alternate every other week and are going to be the heart and soul of your Wild Woman journey.

Training Workbooks

To assist with your journey and anchor each class, you’ll receive six workbooks, plus additional materials for any added classes. These modules provide the platform for your deep, personal transformation.

LIFETIME Access to all the content in Wild Woman Immersion as well as access to the most sacred, fierce and loving community who are ready to celebrate you as you rise to your power.

A Sacred Wild Woman Sisterhood

Many women feel isolated (even when they are surrounded by many people) because they don’t have people around them who can connect with them at a deep level.This private member’s Facebook group is a beautiful container for you to be seen, heard, heal and celebrate your growth and expansion as you’ll meet women who are on this Wild Woman journey just like you. Magic and incredible transformation happen when women come together!

AND, additional classes and many more amazing surprises that are meant to assist you In your Wild Woman journey.

PLUS, you’ll receive the following BONUSES!

Bonus #1

Power of Receiving Course

This course was developed specifically for good girls like YOU seeking to release blocks so abundance can flow with ease. Learn how to receive unapologetically, ask for what you need without guilt, and create a life that consistently gives back to YOU.
It includes 8 modules + over 15 hours of video training and coaching + 9 workbooks and Q&A calls.

(VALUE $1111)

Bonus #2

Manifest the Man of Your Dreams Masterclass

Learn how becoming an empowered woman will attract an empowered partner! This LIVE training will show you ways you’re blocking love in your life, how to push through those blocks, and finally, manifest your soulmate or create deeper intimacy and joy in your current relationship. This isn’t your typical dating advice; this is about doing the inner work first to before attracting true love.

(VALUE $499)

When a woman lives her truth in the world she creates magic, loves deeply and experiences abundance in every area of her life.

I went from feeling miserable, living in a home filled with pain and anger. Being at the verge of divorce and feeling trapped, abandoned and disappointed. My business was struggling to the point of non existence. After unleashing my Wild Woman everything opened up. I started to experience a wonderful love affair with my husband and we are now building our dream home. My business is EXACTLY where I want it to be and now I’m fully booked AND make the money that I want. So yes this work is so FREAKIN WORTH IT!” Teresa Schlup – South Dakota

Kendal Ritz

I feel like a whole new woman. I feel a deeper and more authentic connection with my body. I learned to love and appreciate myself again. I’m now on a path that will take me to a new trajectory in my life. This has been life-changing. I feel amazing, powerful, beautiful, and so abundant.” Kendall Ritz MD, Pennsylvania, USA

Ilannet Parisca

I’ve always been a little bit wild, but I have lost sight of it due to fear and pleasing others. Unleashing my Wild Woman made me reconnect back to my true self: This is who I’ve always known myself to be! I am now open; I don’t have to close my feelings off. I don’t have to be afraid of the shadow anymore, and when it shows up, I just unapologetically shine my light, and it feels wonderful. I’m a different woman; I’m a happier woman!” Ilannet Parisca, New Jersey, USA

Yes! I want to awaken my WILD WOMAN!

Because a woman in her feminine power heals the world.

Click below to book a call with me to learn more!

Training #1

Create your Wild Woman Foundation.

In this training, we’ll create your Wild Woman foundation. We’ll release the old ideas of femininity that have been stopping your Good Girl from allowing your Wild Woman to come out and I’ll guide you through a powerful Activation Visualization where you’ll experience what it feels like to have your Wild Woman FULLY awake and ignited. Be prepared to be AMAZED and meet your Wild Woman face to face.

Training #2

It’s All About YOU!

This training is all about YOU! You’ll learn how to connect with the 4-Pillars of your Wild Woman. Without these pillars being aligned, you won’t be able to sustain your Wild Woman for long before your Good Girl puts her back in the closet. Cultivating these pillars will allow your Good Girl to gain the trust she needs to allow the Wild Woman run free.

You’ll receive EVERYTHING you need to know to start feeling like yourself again, energized, revitalized, and people can’t help but notice that something’s so different about you but they can’t pinpoint what it is…that’s exactly the power of your Wild Woman!

Training #3

The Journey into the Dark

Your Wild Woman has felt trapped, unexpressed and suffocated most likely because you haven’t given full voice to your pain. In this module, we’re going to explore the dark pieces that you’ve brushed under the rug and bring them to light so they can be seen, healed and reclaimed. You will reconnect with your Good Girl and find love through forgiveness.

You’ll finally let go of shame, anger, shoulds and the need to prove yourself. After this healing, you’ll be free to let go of the masks you’ve been wearing to please others so you can fully express who you truly are without fear of being punished, judged or criticized.

Training #4

Reclaiming your Wild Woman Confidence

In this training, you’ll learn how to embrace your Wild Woman power so you can begin to express your authentic voice and start honoring who you truly are without the need for permission or approval.

With the specific tools and techniques that I’ll share with you, you’ll feel absolutely confident to communicate, express your truth and set boundaries in an empowered and loving way. You’ll feel like a whole new woman, who’s not afraid to shine and take up space in the world!

Training #5

Your Wild Woman and Men

Learn how to dance with the masculine in an empowered and graceful way! In this training, we’ll uncover the ways you’re subconsciously (or consciously) blocking love and intimacy in your life, how to heal the old and painful wounds that have kept you from feeling safe to open your heart, and finally, feel fully free and available to receive your soulmate or create deeper intimacy and joy in your current relationship.

Manifest Money like a Wild Woman

Money is just like any other kind of energy. If we put up blocks, it cannot find its way into our lives! In this training, we will do a Wild Woman Money Activation so you can become a magnet to attract everything you desire.

Step into your money manifesting and magnetic power, where you feel comfortable receiving the income you deserve and welcoming money energy with ease and joy into your life.

I am at a place in my life where I am continuously growing my soul and my being. I wanted to further my self-love and my purpose in life. My biggest breakthrough was that I am now in complete alignment with my femininity, beauty, and grace. I’m in a place truly knowing who I am and falling in love with myself unconditionally. This was worth every penny, every moment, every doubt I had about guilt or if I should do it. The best part? Right after igniting my Wild Woman, literally a day after finishing the course I met the love of my life, and we recently got engaged!” Angela Forson Nelson, Seattle, USA

The result of unleashing my Wild Woman? Feeling absolutely unstoppable and empowered! This comes at the perfect time because I feel my voice is freed and I have so much to share!” Audrey Benichou, Israel

Wild Woman Immersion
3 Month Coaching Program

3-Month Coaching Immersion (6 LIVE training sessions + 6 Q&A calls)

6 Training workbooks

Lifetime access to all content

A Sacred Wild Woman Sisterhood

Daily online support (Mon-Fri)

BONUS #1: Power of Receiving Course 

BONUS #2: Manifest the Man of Your Dreams Masterclass

It’s time to set HER free from her cage!

Because a woman in her feminine power heals the world.

Click below to book a call with me to learn more!

After I Sign UpWhats Next?

You’ll receive a welcome email from me that will include links to the program, instructions on how to download your bonuses, and an exclusive invite to our Facebook group.

You’ll join other women like you in our Facebook group who are taking back their power, healing the good girl within, and accepting the fierce, exciting nature of their wild woman. It is truly my favorite place on the Internet!

You’ll start living LIFE ON YOUR TERMS!

What will I receive from this program?

You will…

feel unstoppable, embodied and grounded.
be in the flow.
be tapped in and turned on.
feel alive and excited about your life every single day.
wake up in the morning feeling passionate and purposeful.
no longer feel exhausted.
give from a place of fullness and joy, not depletion.

Imagine loving, trusting and honoring yourself so deeply. Where you no longer struggle, hide or play small.

Imagine remembering and reclaiming who you are.

Imagine coming home to yourself.

For so long, you’ve been taught to NOT be yourself and to disown your power. Let’s explore the deeper layers that will allow you to FULLY shine and to be an empowered, embodied woman that’s ready to share your gifts with the world and live YOUR highest destiny.

I’ll teach you how to come back to that place. It’s time to let go of feeling you have to do it all alone and allow yourself to be guided by someone who’s already been there. Not only that, someone who has been through it and it has helped hundreds of women to do the same… LIVE THEIR TRUTH.

Your shift is going to create a vortex for others to step into their power and show up authentically in their own lives as well.  Taking care of yourself is a true win-win.

Plus, you’ll be sharing this experience with other amazing women who are your sisters on the same journey, and you’ll feel so supported, loved, and know that you are not alone.

I want to show you a new path, a whole new dimension, where you can fully embrace your birthright as a Wild Woman.  Join me for this transformative experience.

Sign up for The Wild Woman Immersion online program and see what it feels like to lead a vibrant life of passion, joy, and POWER.

With so much Wild Woman love,

Do you feel the passion and fire rising within you? Are you brimming with important QUESTIONS about this exciting journey you’re about to take? Here are all the answers your Wild Woman needs. ; – )

What does the commitment look like?
This program includes revolutionary tools and methods for helping you awaken your Wild Woman from within. The time you invest will determine the benefits you receive. You’ll have a platform where you’ll be held and fully supported all throughout….This program is designed for you to become the woman you were born to be.

What if I struggle to connect with my Wild Woman?
Healing your relationship with yourself it’s a journey! My program is designed to accelerate that process as long as you show up for yourself. I have clients experience transformation in just a couple weeks of applying the principles I’ll be teaching on this course. There’s no rights and wrongs and the basis of this program is for you to honor where you are, your OWN journey. You can count on my support 100% And remember, you’ll have a community at your side helping you along the way as well!

What’s your refund policy?
I have a no-refund policy. And I do this because immersing yourself in this transformation is a big decision and there will be times when you might want to give up. Looking within is not always fun, it’s sometimes messy, however, it’s when we dare to look into these places that you’ll receive the biggest gift of all, your authentic self. The Wild Woman Immersion program is not a quick scheme, this is real, lasting transformation. Walk with me sister, your new amazing life is waiting to be claimed by YOU!

Because a woman in her feminine power heals the world.

Click below to book a call with me to learn more!

After unleashing my Wild Woman I ignited a confidence within me that was magnetic! I met my soulmate 5 months after that. I deepened my relationship with my son in a way that allows me to be in my power and have my needs met while being a present and very involved mum. My business excites me again and I am more passionate than ever about my purpose in the world. Having ignited my Wild Woman I simply cannot ignore her calling to be more me in the world and I can’t thank Paula enough for being my personal support on this journey. Every woman desiring to have a big impact in the world while maintaining a loving relationship with herself and the people she loves the most needs support. I recommend Paula hands down!” Katie Phillips, Author, Self-love coach, UK

Since working with Paula I have become more of the woman I know I’m destined to be I’ve grown compassionate with myself. I am more in my body and connected to myself than ever before. I’m more willing to do the work and receive the transformation I truly want to have. I’m allowing and more in the flow. I’m being more honest with myself…even though that’s really difficult. I am getting back to who I am…kind of like rediscovering myself all over again.” Jessica Riverson, Business Coach, Seattle, USA

I used to feel guilty and not worthy. By unleashing my Wild Woman, I became confident to say ‘no’ without having to apologize for it, and I found my voice to speak up when something doesn’t feel good to me. I feel great and divine. I love my body the way it is now. I feel like a divine goddess.” Carol Solvay, Brussels, Belgium

After meeting my Wild Woman I went from feeling spent and 100% defeated trying so hard to please everybody and do everything right (and feeling so angry and frustrated inside) to claiming my voice, giving myself full permission to be ME unapologetically, draw loving boundaries and say YES to myself.Mitzi Sackett, New York, USA

I feel like a whole new woman. I’ve let go of a lot of the baggage that I’ve been carrying for many years. I feel more connected in my relationship with my husband. I’ve been more accepting and stopped putting unnecessary pressure on him. Unleashing my Wild Woman mostly helped me reconnect with myself. I now follow my rituals and take care of myself in a way I never did before. I am allowing myself to love myself now because it’s important to me, and that’s enough” Tanya Reyes, San Francisco, USA

Hello, gorgeous! I’m Paula Lacobara,

creator of the Empowered Woman Archetype System™, a women’s empowerment coach, and your guide on this journey toward unleashing the Wild Woman within.

Can I share a not-so-secret secret? YOU are an essential part of my purpose.

Helping women like YOU stand empowered in your TRUTH, your right to RECEIVE ABUNDANCE and ground yourself in a life filled with PASSION is my calling. In the 10 years that I’ve been a coach, I’ve helped hundreds of women step into their POWER and enhance the quality of every aspect of their lives. From CAREER, FAMILY, ROMANCE, FRIENDS, and MONEY to the sacred relationship they have with themselves, I guide them to walk through this world with DETERMINATION & PURPOSE in a way that feels fully authentic to them.

But I wasn’t always this powerful. I’m sure it’s not surprising that I was my very first client. It was through my journey of wanting more and healing my past wounds that I found my path. I spent so many years living in the shadows, and shame and guilt used to hold me hostage. The good girl inside me was terrified of being alone and would give to others relentlessly, even at the risk of detriment to my health and happiness.

You see, I was my parents’ third child. Their first was born with severe special needs. Their second died at birth. Then came me; their beacon of light, the answer to all of their pain, the one that would solve all of their problems. Do you see the troublesome pattern here?

I came into this world already facing overwhelming expectations, and so I went through life trying to do the impossible: PLEASE EVERYONE.

As I grew, my insatiable thirst for making others happy led me to some dark places. Relationships that were imbalanced where I felt small and insignificant. Poor decisions that didn’t honor my value or my body. Toxic relationships that left me with burdens that weren’t mine to carry. Anger that took over when my boundaries were violently crossed.

BUT it was this emotional roller coaster that helped me discover the Good Girl, the Victim, the Bitch, and the Wild Woman within ME.

When I discovered them, I finally found the answer to my pain. When I learned that my good girl needed healing and my wild woman needed acceptance, I was finally able to feel FREE, walk down the path toward EMPOWERMENT, align with my PURPOSE, and feel JOY in my life again.

Now, I’m married to my soulmate, live life on my own terms, work from anywhere in the world, and have built a very successful business doing what I came here to do!